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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3674

John C. Clamp; Lagenophrys anticthos N. Sp. and L. aegleae Mouchet-Bennati, 1932 (Ciliophora, Peritricha, Lagenophryidae), Ectocommensals of South American Crustaceans. J.Protozool. 35(1):164-169, 1988


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Lagenophrys anticthos n. sp. resembles L. aegleae Mouchet-Bennati; however, the two species are distinguished from one another by differences in the structure of the lorica aperture. Similarities in the shape of the lorica and macronucleus indicate a close phylogenetic relationship between L. anticthos and L. aegleae. The size of L. anticthos varies greatly within a population, and it is unclear whether this can be attributed to genetic differences or to environmental factors. In L. anticthos, variation in the form of the lips of the lorica aperture is correlated with variation in size. The brown, iron-rich incrustations observed around the loricae of L. aegleae by an earlier worker were not seen, indicating that the incrustations do not play a role in the symbiosis between L. aegleae and its host as was previously thought.