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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3656

Jurgen Kusch and Klaus Heckmann; Gamone Production in Large-Scale Cultures of Euplotes octocarinatus. J.Protozool. 35(3):337-340, 1988


In File


We report a method that allows us to grow and maintain the freshwater ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus in large quantities. Frequent exchange of culture fluid proved more effective than aeration in obtaining high cell densities (4,200 cells/ml) and reasonable doubling times in large-scale cultures. For harvesting gamone 1, the cell density was raised to 10,000 cells/ml. Under these conditions, the cells continued to produce and secrete gamone; they were slightly starved, but they no longer divided. Cell-free fluid with a steady and relatively high yield of gamone was obtained from two such cultures over a period of five months. We isolated gamone 1 also from cell homogenates and compared it with secreted gamone 1, but found no differences in the gamones from these two sources.