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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3550

Visitacion Conforti and Laura Ruiz; Euglenophytes from Chunam Reservoir (South Korea) II Trachelomonas Ehr. Algological Studies 102:117-145, 2001


In File


Fifty seven taxa of the genus Trachelomonas Ehr. (Euglenophyta), sampled in Chunam reservoir of Changwon, Keung Nam Province, South Korea, have been determinated. Besides forty one taxa were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). On the basis of these observations one species and seven new varieties are proposed: T. hirsuta, T. allorgei var. brevicollis, T. nadsonii var. inermis, T. perlata var. crateriphora, T. rugulosa var. minima. T. sculpta var. asiatica, T. similis var. constata and T. wislouchii var. minor. Details of envelope ultrastructure are illustrated.