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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3525

G. Uhlig; Microfaunal Food Organisms for Mariculture. European Mariculture Society,Special Publication 6:93-115, 1981


In File


In world-wide culture projects only some dozen 'standard' organisms have been used for maricultural proposes. There is an urgent need for living microfaunal food sources and a widening of the available spectrum. In our laboratory at Helgoland, various mass cultivation procedures of different microfaunal species have been developed. In this report successful efforts in lower scale mass cultivation, mainly of two potential food organisms, are demonstrated: 1) the hetrotrichous ciliate Fabrea salina and 2) the harpacticoid copepod Tisbe holothuriae. In a continuously running food flow system Fabera salina were cultured to population densities of more than 10E3 cells x ml-1. Tisbe holothuriae, fed with fine-grained meat of Mytilus is continuously mass cultivated to densities of more than 120 individuals x ml-1 in enclosured flat culture systems. Additionally, some short remarks are presented about the practical utilization of four mass cultivated protozoan species: Noctiluca miliaris (dinoflagellate) and the ciliates Euplotes sp., Keronopsis rubra and Eufolliculina sp.