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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3481

Shirayama Yoshihisa, Kaku Teruaki, and Robert P. Higgins; [Double-sided Microscopic Observation of Meiofauna Using an HS-Slide]. Benthos Research (Bull.Jap.Assoc.Benthology) 44:41-44, 1993


In File


A new plastic frame, named HS-slide (Higgins-Shirayama slide), was devised for better microscopic observation of meiofaunal specimens from both sides of a glycerol-mounted slide. The frame has a rectangular hole of 16x22 mm, and a rectangular depression of 23x25x1.0 mm so as to have a flange of 2 to 3 mm wide around the hole. The flange of the frame holds a coverslip of 22x24 mm. A specimen is mounted on it, and covered by another coverslip of an appropriate size. This frame is made of acrylic resin and resistant to most organic solvent, e.g., xylene, often used as a thinner of canada balsam. The HS-slide was found to have some advantages over the Cobb aluminum frame conventionally used for making a microscopic slide with two coverslips. The HS-slide was solid enough to resist bending or twisting, and only a slight focusing was needed when it was reversed to observe a nematode specimen from another side. Judging from these facts, the HS-slide was considered to be a useful new device for microscopic observation of meiofaunal organisms.