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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3466

Umezawa Shun-ichi; [Influence of the Evaporation Velocity on the Desiccation Death of the Rotifer, (I)]. Jiiken Seibutu Gakuhou II(1):18-21, 1952


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Influence of the evaporation velocity on the desiccation death of the rotifer Philodina roseola, was quantitatively examined. Animals used were about three days old after hatching and were also almost equal in size. Desiccation was separately performed one by one on slide-glass under the different conditions of the temperature, relative humidity and air-flow. The relative humidity was regulated with the H2SO4 solution of different concentrations. The H2SO4 vapour contained in the air passed over the H2SO4 solutions, was removed by filtering through ZnO and glass wool. Even when the surrounding water of the animals is completely evaporated, the animals are not injured as far as the loss of water from the animal does not occur in moist air. The main results of the experiments are as follows: the drying velocity has a very important effect on the recovery, rapid drying being more injurious than the slow one. The amount of loss of water from the rotifer which may determine the mortality of dried animal seems to be approximately constant independently on the desiccation velocity. The injurious effect of desiccation, therefore, seems to be due to the loss of water from the animals beyond the fatal limiting value.