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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3453

A.S. Bogoslovsky; [Observations on the reproduction of Conochiloides coenobasis Skorikov and the statement of a physiological category of females new to Heterogonous rotifera]. Zoologichyeskiy Journal XXXIX(5):670-677, 1960


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Both parthenogenetic and fertilized eggs of Conochiloides coenobasis Skorikov are laid into a jelly-like sac up to the state of cleavage. In C. coenobasis there are found females which produce both females and males parthenogenetically (amphoterotocia). In order to distinguish them from amictic and mictic ones, the author suggests to call these former amphoteric females. Amphoteric females of C. coenobasis are always the first to reproduce mictic eggs; they can undergo fertilization and give resting eggs both before and after the production of parthenogenetic eggs. Unisexual reproduction of C. coenobasis in a pond had taken 12 days, it was then replaced not by a bisexual but by a mixed reproduction which took 40 days and which was performed by amictic, mictic and amphoteric females. The ability of one and the same female of Sinantherina socialis to produce three kinds of eggs, which was found out by the author previously (Bogoslowsky, 1958) allows to draw the conclusion that this Rotifera species also has amphoteric females emerging directly from resting eggs.