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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3435

Yu.G. Geltzer and V.A. Geptner; [The effect of pesticids on soil protozoa]. Akademy of Sciences of the USSR Society of Protozoologists of the USSR Series << Protozoology >> 5:143-153, 1980


In File


Chemical agents, used for weed control, affect the soil protozoan fauna. Effects of some herbicids (such as urea-derivates diuron, monuron and cotoran) on free-living protozoa of the Uzbekistan serosems or Turkmenistan drainage have been studied. Herbicids were introduced at a dose of 60 kg per hectare (ha) of the collector water surface and 1.5 kg per ha of the soil under cotton crops. During the first 10 days after treatment, the total amount of protozoa was seen to decrease, with species composition being changed. The reaction of various protozoan groups was different depending on the kind of herbicid and on the time of exposition. After 30 days the total amount of protozoan cells, as well as species variety, increased. Our laboratory in vitro experiments showed a protistocidic activity of diuron water solutions, the reaction of protozoa being a function of herbicide concentration.