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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3432

V.F. Nikolyuk, M.I. Mavlyanova, and Z.A. Nasyrova; [Biologically active substances of soil protozoa and plants]. Akademy of Sciences of the USSR Society of Protozoologists of the USSR Series << Protozoology >> 5:52-72, 1980


In File


Soil amoebae and ciliates produce biologically active agents: the former - beta-indolil-3-acetic acid (heteroauxin), the latter - gibberellin-like compounds. These substances, released in cultural liquid, have a selective growth-stimulating effect upon seed germination and plant development. Thus, the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with suspensions made of protists and microalgae stimulation to a great extend germination, growth and plant development. At the same time, some disturbances of metabolism and micelium growth depression, especially in the early growth period, were noticed for phytopathogenic fungi that lived in combined cultures with protozoa.