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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3427

A.S. Bogoslovsky; [Materials to the study of the resting eggs of Rotifers. Communication 2]. CCCP (in Russian) LXXII(6):46-67, 1967


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A description of resting eggs and data on their development are given for Filinia longiseta, F. passa, F. terminalis, Polyarthra dolichoptera and Brachionus diversicornis. It was found that in F. longiseta hatching from resting eggs, both in nature and under laboratory conditions, takes place in small portions, independently from environmental changes, seemingly as a result of unequality of the eggs. This batchwise development the author regards as an adaptation to catching favorable conditions necessary for the prosperity of the species. Polymorphism was revealed in the resting eggs of P. dolichoptera. The process of shell formation was traced and it was found that underdevelopment of the shell is one of the causes of polymorphism; eggs were discovered similar to those described by Nipkov for P. proloba.