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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3426

A.S. Bogoslovsky; [Materials to the Study of the Resting eggs of Rotifers. Contribution 3]. CCCP (in Russian) LXXIV(3):60-79, 1969


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A description is given of the resting eggs of Brachionus rubens, Trichocerca cylindrica, Hexarthra mira, Asplanchna brightwelli and A. pirodi. The results of experiment on the development of the eggs and in some cases the process of oviposition and emergence of rotifers are described. The resting eggs of many species are characterised by a well expressed individuals and group variability caused by their morphological and physiological dissimilarities which reflect on their development and determine their hatching in small batches during a prolonged period. This portioned emergence of rotifers became fixed in the process of evolution as an adaptation to << catching >> conditions favorable to the species. The sporadic emergence of rotifers from resting eggs is often conductive to pseudodicycly and polycycly. Monocycly, distinctly expressed in some species, is determined by all resting egg having a more of less similar resting period (6-9 months). The di- and polymorphism of resting eggs is frequently caused by an underdevelopment of shells in some of the eggs.