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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3396

Roger Pourriot, G. Rouyer, and M. Peltier; [Proliferation de Rotiferes Epiphytes et pollution thermique dans la Loire] (Proliferation of epiphytic Rotifers and thermal pollution in the river Loire). Bulletin Francais de Pisciculture 244:111-118, 1972


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Near confluence of the rivers Vienne and Loire, an heated effluent from nuclear-power industry raise the water temperature to 20-28 degrees C. This rising temperature and abundant food supply (Diatoms algae) induces a seasonal intensive reproduction of a thermophilic Rotifer species: Lacinularia flosculosa. This epiphytic Rotifer proliferate - a density of 4250 females/cm2 was observed - and colonize all submerged substrates: aquatic plants, roots, stones, sometimes over several kilometers down stream.