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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3377

Radovan Erben and M. Zaric; [Rotatorija u potocima Zagrebacke gore (Medvednice) u odnosu na organsko opterecenje] (Rotatoria in creeks of the Zagreb Mountain (Medvednica) in relation to the Organic Pollution). Poljoprivreda I Sumarstvo XXII:47-55, 1976


In File


In this paper, results of investigations concerning the influence of various degrees of organic pollution on the content, longitudinal distribution and quantitative presence of Rotatoria in the currents of the Zagreb Mountain: Medvescak, Stefanovec and Crnomerec, within areas polluted by different refuse material (9.48 to 78.68 mg/l KMnO4) from households of the Zagreb suburban settlements. The investigations included seven species of Rotatoria: Cephalodella sp., Colurella uncinata deflexa, Dicranophorus sp., Epiphanes senta, Lecane ungulata, Lepadella patella and Rotatoria rotatoria. It was found out that they, just as many other plant of animal species, can be employed as indicators for the organic pollution of biotopes in currents. The species observed were represent by different numbers of individual (10 to 120 ind./cm2) and on the saprobiological scale they range from oligo-saprobes (Lepadella patella) and alpha mezo-saprobes (Epiphanes senta and Rotatoria rotatoria) to beta mezo-saprobes (Colurella uncinata deflexa and Lecane ungulata).