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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3311

M.-L. Bouche, F. Habets, S. Biagianti-Risbourg, and G. Vernet; Toxic effects and Bioaccumulation of Cadmium in the Aquatic Oligochaete Tubifex tubifex. Ecotoxicol.& Environ.Safety 46:246-251, 2000


In File


Although Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaeta, Tubificida) has been proposed as a test organism for ecotoxicological studies, very few data concerning sublethal toxicity and bioaccumulation are available on this worm. The aims of this work were to assess the toxicity of cadmium, one of the most toxic metals frequently encountered in polluted areas, on T. tubifex and the ability of the worm to accumulate this metal. Acute toxicity was analyzed by measurement of the 96-hr LC50 and daily survival rates. Results indicated that T. tubifex undergoes an adaptation period to Cd, the duration of which decreases with increasing Cd concentration. The various parameters affecting toxicity are discussed. Sublethal toxicity was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Observations revealed that Cd induced autotomy of the caudal region and mucus production. Autotomy is proposed as a criterion for sublethal toxicity. The results of bioaccumulation studies revealed that Cd is highly and rapidly taken up by the worm, suggesting involvement of efficient detoxification mechanisms. Consequently, the ability to accumulate large amounts of Cd may represent a potential toxicological risk to predators of the worm if Cd is accumulated in bioavailable forms.