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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3234

Heikki Amren; Temporal variation of the rotifer Keratella quadrata (Mull.) in some ponds on Spitsbergen. Zool.Bidr.,Upps. 36:193-208, 1964


In File


1. The temporal variation in K. quadrata in some ponds on Spitsbergen has been described and analysed. A strong allometric correlation exists between the morphological characters measured, e.g., body length, body breadth, length of right and left posterior spines, and length of median anterior spines. The length of the posterior spines in the first four generations was determined, showing a gradated increase in length. 2. In the first place, internal factors have been considered as decisive with regard to the course of the temporal variation. Nevertheless the environment may exert a modifying effect. However, no direct correlation has been ascertained between the environmental factors and temporal variation.