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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3231

Birger Pejler; Taxonomic notes on some planktic fresh-water rotifers. Zool.Bidr.,Upps. 35:307-319, 1962


In File


1. Further examples are given of the previously reported extensive variation in the length of the posterior spines of Keratella hiemalis in Laplandic waters. The variation is tentatively ascribed to differences in the chemical composition of the environmental water. 2. A form intermediate between Notholca squamula and N. acuminata is reported from arctic lakes (Swedish Lapland). 3. Judging from the evidence of investigations in Central Swedish lakes the following three species of Synchaeta are clearly distinguishable: S. oblonga, S truncata and S. lakowitziana. The species differ from one another morphologically as well as ethologically and ecologically. 4. The only proven distinctive of character separating P. major from P. euryptera is the difference between the breadth of their fins. 5. Conochiloides coeobasis Skorikov must be considered synonymous with C. dossuarius (Hudson). 6. Two previously unknown or only vaguely known forms of Collotheca, C. lie-petterseni and a planktic form of C. ornata, are discussed.