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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3200

Megyeri Janos; [Nehany Kanadai to Mesozooplaktonja] (Zooplanktons in some Canadian Lakes). Szegedi Tanarkepzo Foiskola Tudomanyos Kozlemenyei:105-119, 1969


In File


84 plankton samples were sent to me by J. Kerekes, scientifical co-worker of a Canadian Wild-life Service and asked me to study this material. The samples were fixated in formaldehyde and originated without except from such Canadian lakes and bogs which were examined by him hidrografically and hidrobiologically from the year 1963. The most part of the collection was taken from the Central Alberta (38 fioles) and from the lakes of Terra Nova National Park (42 fioles) in the year of 1964 resp. 1966. 4 fioles were sent only from the bog near Ottawa. I determinated the Testacea, Rotatoria and Entomostraca species in the samples hoping my work will promote the limnological valuation and typisation of the continental waters (lakes, ponds, bogs) examined by J. Kerekes. I shall now demonstrate the mentioned species being suitable for determination after the used fixation method. The data obtained by the determination of the Canadian samples were very useful to my comparative hidrobiological work studying the continental waters in Hungary. Therefore I tell to J. Kerekes many thanks for the samples. The hidrografical relations and fundamental hidrobiological characteristics of the lakes of Central Alberta and Terra Nova National Park was published in J. Kerekes' papers. The gathering places, the data of collection and the species occurred in the samples can you find in the first part of this paper. On the basis of the chemical properties, the examined waters belong three of types: alcalic, neutral (or slightly acid) and acid ones. The first type was represented by the lakes of Central Alberta (pH 8.0-9.6), the second by the lakes of Terra Nova National Park (pH 6.4-7.1) and naturally a quite special type was represented by the Sphagnum bog (near Ottawa) with pH 4.25-4.62. The mass and temperature of waters, the various depths, the macro- and microvegetation and other oecological factors have given many difference inside one type showing always smaller or greater variation in the quality and in the quantity of zooplanktons. In spite of the differences in the combination of zooplanktons I state the Copepoda (Diaptomus) species as first-rate indicator of waters belonging to three chemical character. Beside them we can always found some other characteristic plankton components of different systematical groups existing only in special circumstances. So the very characteristic Diaptomus siciloides and Diacyclops bicuspidatus associated with the Brachionus angularis and Keratella quadrata in the lakes of Central Alberta. Among their lakes the Miquelon Lake showed quite special limnological character. Here the Diaptomus siciloides never occurred. Instead of this species appeared here the Diaptomus sicilis. A quite separated part of this lakes the so-called Middle Miquelon seems to show higher oecological differentiation. Here the Diaptomus breweri joined to the former mentioned characteristic species. The composition of zooplankton in the lakes of Central Alberta is similar to that of Hungarian alcalic waters only the Diaptomus species seems to be quite different. On the basis of the examined Canadian waters compared with the Hungarian continental waters I suggest the Diaptomus species to be first-rate suitable to the typisation of waters. Their autoecology, the geographical wide-spread are so well-known at anywhere that according to my opinion the qualitative and quantitative relation of this species determinate the elementary hidrobiological properties of a lake without hidrografical and chemical examination. The Testacea species first of all the occurrence of Hyalosphenia papilio was characteristic to the third type of water (Bog near Ottawa). After this indicator can we rang this bog to the Sphagnum bog of Hyalosphenia type.