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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3188

P. Leentvaar; [Hydrobiologische Waarnemingen in het Plassengebied van N.W.- Overijssel. I.]. Biol.Jb.Dodonaea:243-266, 1965


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As no hydrobiological data are known from the broads and peat pits in the northwest of the province of Overijssel, chemical and plankton samples were taken in spring, summer and autumn of 1960. The results are shown in tables and graphics. The large open waters of the broads are nearly saturated with oxygen, the turbidity is high, the plankton is rich in non-motile forms, especially green algae, blue green algae and diatoms. The small peat pits have a dense vegetation, the oxygen saturation is lower, the water is clear, plankton is rich in motile forms especially cladocera, rotifers and flagellatae as green algae and blue green algae are less frequent. Broads and peat pits which are in open communication with the canals, are influenced by regulations. The broads and peat pits in the N.W.- Overijssel region are enlisted as international important waters by the International Society for theoretical and applied Limnology.