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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3145

Stanislaw Radwan; [O kilku nowych dla fauny Europy i rzadkich gatunkach wrotkow] (On some New for European Fauna and Rare Species of Rotifers). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Lublin-Polonia XXVI:169-175, 1971


In File


During investigations on the fauna and ecology of rotifers from the lakes of the Leczna and Wlodawa Lake District, which were carried out in 1966-1969, there were stated 3 new for the fauna of Europe and 6 rare species. To the new species there belong: Lepadella vitrea (Shephard), Trichocerca mus Hauer and Trichocerca nitida Harring, and the rare species are the following: Cephalodella reimanni Donner, Lecane leontina (Turner), Lecane glypta Harring & Myers, Monostyla ivli Wiszniewski, Monostyla thetis Harring & Myers and Mniobia punctulata Bartos. The occurrence of these species in the world and Europe was discussed with regard paid to their ecological requirements.