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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3123

Sievert Lorenzen; [Desmoscoleciden (eine Gruppe freilebender Meeresnematoden) aus Kustensalzwiesen] (Desmoscolecidae (a group of freeliving marine nematodes) from salt marshes). Veroff.Inst.Meeresforsch.Bremerh. 12:169-203, 1969


In File


400 specimens of Desmoscolecidae (14 species) were found in salt marshes along the German coast of the North Sea (12 species) and the Baltic (6 species) as well as along the south coast of Finland (1 species). Desmoscolecidae occur from the lower to the upper salt marshes. Along the coast of the North Sea most of them are to be found in the lower Juncetum gerardi typicum ("unterer Rotschwingelrasen"). The densest population is to be found between 1 cm and 4 cm below the surface of the soil whereas in the Finnish salt marshes the upper 2 cm are most densely populated. Only one of the 14 species occurs, too, in the sublittoral. The Desmoscolecidae are missing completely in the lenitic part of the eulittoral. It can therefore be said that the salt marshes represent an isolated center of development for Desmoscolecidae. The arrangement of setae is more significant for the natural relationships between the different genera of Desmoscolecidae than the most striking structure of the body rings. The following subfamilies are characterized: 1. Desmoscolecinae Schepotieff 1908, 2. Greeffiellinae Filipjev 1908, 3. Tricominae subfam. n. The new genera belonging to the Greeffiellinae, Hapalomus gen. n. and Calligyrus gen. n. and 14 new species are described: Desmoscolex adenotrichus sp. n., D. vanoyei de Coninck 1943, D. vittatus sp. n. D. pussilus sp. n., D. labiosus sp. n., D. fennicus sp. n., Pareudesmoscolex pratensis sp. n., P. laciniosus sp. n., Greeffiella beatlei sp. n., G. comosa sp. n., Hapalomus terrestris gen. n., sp. n., Calligyrus gerlachi gen. n., sp. n., Tricoma scanica (Allgen, 1935) and Paratricoma pratensis sp. n. The following nomenclatorial changes are suggested: Heterodesmoscolex Stammer, 1935 Desmoscolex Claparede, 1863; Eutricoma Allgen, 1939 (arrow) Eudesmoscolex Steiner, 1916; Neoquadricoma Kreis, 1963 (arrow) Tricoma, Cobb 1894; Greeffiella minuta (Steiner, 1916) (arrow) Hapalomus minutus (Steiner, 1916). It is suggested that the species of Eudesmoscolex possibly are only larvae of species of Pareudesmoscolex or Desmoscolex.