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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2967

Claude Rougier and Roger Pourriot; Aging and Control of the Reproduction in Brachionus calyciflorus (Pallas) (Rotatoria). Exp.Gerontol. 12:137-151, 1977


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The study of eggs laying of amictic females in defined conditions of temperature, light, medium, food and population density demonstrate that the maternal age significantly affects the rate of mictic females produced in F1: this rate is highly and negatively correlated with the maternal age. A frequent change of the medium does not modify this process which probably depends on internal physiological modification. The influence of aging is also demonstrated by significant differences in the rates of mictic females, produced, in confined medium, by amictic females derived from young or old parents. The clone age, i.e. the preparental female age, influence not only the mictic females rate obtained in F1 but also the fecundity and, ipso facto, the reproduction rate (total number of eggs laid by a female). The disparition of these differences in a daily changed medium indicates an effect of dissolved substances released in the medium by the females. Some hypothesis on the physiological process are made and the ecological implications of these observations are discussed.