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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2966

Roger Pourriot, Claude Rougier, and Daniellae Benest; [Qualite de la Nourriture et Controle de la Mixis chez le Rotifere Brachionus rubens, Ehr.] (Food quality and mictic females control in the Rotifer Brachionus rubens Ehr.). Bull.Soc.Zool.France 111(1/2):105-111, 1986


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Two clones of B. rubens are fed on three algal species. The fertility (Ro) is similar when the clones are fed on Chlorella or Ankistrodesmus. In contrary, with Phacus as food, fertility is significatively higher for one clone. The mixis rate observed in the two clones at a population density of 1 female. ml-1 is influenced by the diet: the highest values are obtained with Ankistrodesmus and principaly Phacus pyrum as food whereas Chlorella provides the lowest rates. No relation is found between fertility and mixis.