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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2962

Roger Pourriot; [Males et Ceufs durables de quelques rotiferes] (Males and dormant eggs of some Rotifera). Bull.Soc.Zool.France 92(1):185-192, 1967


In File


The males of 4 species (3 benthic: Notommata collaris, Tetrasiphon hydrocora, Lindia torulosa, 1 planctonic: Platyias patulus) of Rotifera Pseudotroques (= Ploima) are described and illustrated. Three of them are new. Though they differ by some details, the general sketch of their anatomy conforms to the male type of Rotifera characterized by the reduction of size, the rudimentary alimentary canal without function and the male organs. The peculiar structure of the winter eggs of these four species is also studied.