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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2933

Kurt Wulfert; [Die Radertiere saurer Gewasser der Dubener Heide II. Die Rotatorien des Krebsscherentumpels bei Winkelmuhle]. Arch.f.Hydrobiol. 56(4):311-333, 1960


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This part deals with the Rotifera of a small pool, rich in water plants, known as the 'Krebsscheren - Tumpel", near Winkelmuhle, Kreis Eilenburg, Germany, (Krebsschere - Stratiotes aloids). Its water is slightly acid with pH 6. The bed is covered with mud of rotted vegetation, the main condition for a rich Rotifer life. The author describes more than 100 species, some of which are very rare. The well-known Volvox parasites, Ascomorphella volvocicola and Proales parasita occur in great numbers, as well as Ascomorpha and Chromogaster. These genera are feeders on Dinoflagellates. Most Rotifers seem to have an inclination for assembling in social groups, especially some sessile forms as Beauchampia, Floscularia, Limnias and others, but also Rotaria macroceros when building mud nests. It cannot be decided whether they follow their eyes or some chemical compounds secreted by their cerebral glands. The variability of cerebral glands is illustrated by Eosphora naias. Three new species are described: Cephalodella wrighti, Proales wesenbergi and Adineta bartosi.