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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2888

Walter Koste; [Zur Morphologie, Anatomie, Okologie und Taxonomie von Paradicranophorus wockei Koste 1961 (Aschelminthes: Rotatoria: Dicranophoridae)]. Senckenbergiana biol. 66(1/3):153-166, 1985


In File


The rotifer Paradicranophorus wockei Koste 1961 was discovered in 1959 on sandy mud at the shore of the Bohlenbach, a stream in the low lands (catchment area of the rivers Hase - Ems) of NW-Germany. After the canalization of this running water nothing was heard again of this species until it was rediscovered in 1981 in two flowing waters, tributaries of the river Fulda. These finding enabled the author to make additional studies on the morphology, anatomy, ecology and taxonomy of this apparently missing animal. Results of these investigations complete the first description of 1961.