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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2878

Sudzuki Minoru; Comments on the antarctic Rotifera. Hydrobiologia 165:89-96, 1988


In File


This paper reconsiders the taxonomy and distributional ecology of the antarctic free-swimming Rotifera with special reference to Notholca and Keratella. Notholca verae is a valid species separate from the squamula group. N. salina may be different from N. squamula in that the former has a smooth pectoral margin and the shortest occipital spines located at the lateral region. N. sp. nov. of Dartnall (1983) is included within those of N. marina. A species of Keratella from Kerguelen, identified as K. sancta, is clearly different in the dorsal sculpturing on the lorica from the original description by Russell (1944). The occurrence of Filinia species with large numbers of nuclei in the vitellarium and relatively long bristles is noteworthy.