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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2870

D.N. Saksena and S.P. Sharma; On the Feeding of Asplanchna brightwelli Gosse in a Perennial Impoundment, Kailasagar Tank at Gwalior, India. Comp.Physiol.Ecol. 19(4):167-170, 1985


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The feeding habit as revealed by analysing gut contents of Asplanchna brightwelli Gosse from a perennial impoundment, Kailasagar tank in Gwalior indicates that the animal is largely feeding upon Keratella tropica. Nearly 60% population of Asplanchna has been found preying upon Keratella in this tank. Keratella tropica although have moderately developed occipital spines and two unequal posterior spines, the spindle shaped body and antero-posterior disposition of spines facilitate easy ingestion by Asplanchna. It is because of this fact, Keratella is being preferred over other rotifers including brachionids.