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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2836

A. Gillard; [De Brachionidae (Rotatoria) van Belgie met Beschouwingen over de Taxonomie van de Familie] (The Brachionids (Rotifers) of the Belgian fauna with remarks on Taxonomy of the family). Natuurwet.Tijdschr. 30:159-218, 1948


In File


This work contains a review of the Brachionid species hitherto known from Belgium. For each species the principal synonyms are given, along with the specific diagnosis, the geographical distribution, the biology and the known stations in Belgium with ecological data. The writer has meant to furnish besides the above faunistic and ecological data, a contribution on the taxonomic aspect of the question, not limited to the Belgian species, but comprising most of the group irrespective of their distribution. As the taxonomic aspect presents a general interest, the writer has thought it advisable to give below a complete translation of the considerations on taxonomy contained in this paper.