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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2833

Walter Koste, Wolfgang Janetzky, and Ekkehard Vareschi; [Zur Kenntnis der limnischen Rotatorienfauna Jamaikas (Rotifera). Teil II.]. Osnabrucker naturwiss.Mitt. 20/21:399-433, 1995


In File


During a second field study (March-April 1994) as part of a research project about limnetic rotifers in Jamaica 39 samples were taken. 135 different forms were found: 120 Monogononta and 15 Digononta. Further types belonging to six genera could not be identified to species level, since determination was hindered by preserving artifacts. Out of 135 rotifers, 61 are listed for Jamaica for the first time; all in all, 211 rotifers are now known for this island. The most important species will be presented along with remarks regarding their taxonomy, biogeography and ecology.