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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2827

Ludwig Tiefenbacher; [Beitrage zur Biologie und Okologie sessiler Rotatorien unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Gehause-baues und der Regenerationsfahigkeit] (Biological and ecological studies of sessile Rotatoria with special consideration of tube-construction and regeneration). Arch.Hydrobiol. 71(1):31-78, 1972


In File


In ponds in the north and the south of Bavaria 17 species of sessile, tube-building Rotatoria were identified. Plants with finely divided leaves are the preferred substrate. The pH-value and the bicarbonate do not limit the range of any species. Mixed colonies were found. For 3 species taxonomic remarks are given. Studies of the tube-construction show interesting details about the correlation of detritus and tube-shape, especially for Floscularia ringens. A possibility of breeding Limnias ceratophylli and Floscularia ringens independent of ponds is demonstrated. Experiments on regeneration of Stephanoceros fimbriatus and Floscularia ringes were successful.