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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2818

Louis Beyens and Didier Chardez; New Testate Amoebae taxa from the Polar Regions. Acta Protozoologica 36:137-142, 1997


In File


Four new species, and one variety are described. Schoenbornia smithi sp. n. from SW-Spitsbergen is an aquatic taxon living in small pools with an extensive moss vegetation. Paraquadrula ogdeni sp. n. and Netzelia labeosa sp. n. are terrestrial moss dwelling species. Centropyxis gasparella var. corniculata var. n. occurs in alkaline waters. These three taxa were observed in Victoria Island (NWT, Canada). Microcorycia husvikensis sp. n. from the subantarctic island South Georgia was sampled in acid to slightly alkaline pools and lakes, vegetated with mosses. It can be stated that altogether only few new species are known from the Arctic.