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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2810

Walter Koste; [Rotatorien aus Gewassern Ecuadors] (Rotifers from Ecuadorian waters). AMAZONIANA X(4):407-438, 1989


In File


195 species, including preservation artifacts which were identified to genus level, were found in 18 samples collected in 12 different waters of Ecuador during September 1988. 178 belong to the order Monogononta and 17 to the order Bdelloidea (Digononta). The highest diversity was in the Amazonian lowland with 161 species; in waters of the pacific coastal area we found 81 species and in the Andes only 63. The poorest Rotifer fauna was in Lake Mojanda in the high mountain region at 3,700 m above sea-level with only 9 species. Some remarks were made on 12 particular species: Collotheca tenuilobata, Flsocularia melicerta, Hexarthra intermedia brasiliensis, H. mira, Manfredium eudactylotum, Monommata grandis, Octotrocha speciosa, Ptygura elsteri, Henoceros falcatus, Macrotrachela multispinosa and Mniobia russeola.