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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2805

Stoica Godeanu; [Dinamica Rotiferelor din Lacurile Herastrau, Floreasca si Tei]. Studii si cercetari de Biologie Seria Zoologie (St.Si Cerc.Biol.Seria Zoologie) 21(3):279-288, 1969


In File


This paper presents several aspects from the biology and ecology of the plankton rotatoria populations from the lakes Herastrau, Floreasca and Tei. The conclusion reached was that all species are forms common to the entrophic lakes, but their appearance, duration and periods of multiplying are characteristic of every lake. The dependence between the phytoplankton rotatoria and the respective phytoplankton was established, as well as the effect of temperature, turbulence and organic loading upon these rotatoria. The influence exercized by the flowing down of the waters from one lake into another was underlined, as well as the modifications undergone by the rotatoria populations, the nonhomogeneity of their distribution in the lakes, the effect of some "competitive replacements" between the various species of rotatoria.