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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2804

Stoica Godeanu; [Contributii la Studiul Rotiferelor din Unele Ape Ale Muntilor Bucegi (II)]. Studii si cercetari de Biologie Seria Zoologie (St.Si Cerc.Biol.Seria Zoologie) 21(2):119-124, 1969


In File


In continuation of a paper from 1963, the present work analyses the rotifers collected from three different biotopes - temporary waters, small permanent ponds and marshy zones from the plateau of the Bucegi Mountains. The list of the rotifers of each biotope is given, including some of the ecological data, the number and incidence during a year and from one year to another, their preference for certain biotopes, a.s.o. All the three biotopes were also comparatively studied.