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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2697

Walter Koste; [Horaella thomassoni n. sp., ein neues Radertier aus Gewassern der Guiana-Brasilianischen Region der Neotropis] (A new pelagic rotifer, Horaella thomassoni, from the Guiana-Brazilian region of Neotropis). Arch.Hydrobiol. 72(3):375-383, 1973


In File


After investigation of both the internal and the external characteristics of a small pelagic rotifer and comparison with Horaella brehmi Donner 1949 Horaella thomassoni n. sp. Testudinellidae is described. According to our present knowledge the animal lives in various waters of the Guiana-Brazilian-Region of Neotropis.