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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2606

Josef Donner; [Rotatorien aus einigen Boden und Moosen Spaniens und seiner Inseln]. REVUE D'ECOLOGIE ET DE BIOLOGIE DU SOL (Rev.Ecol.Biol.Sol) VII(4):501-532, 1970


In File


There are given 16 lists of Rotifers out of litter of leaves, of mosses and of grass. The samples are taken in Spain, the Canary Islands and the isle Mallorca. A comparison with the author's corresponding lists of Austrian soil-Rotifers shortly is made. Necessary remarks on some species complete the labour. The new species of the material are described in the author's monograph << Ordnung Bdelloidea >>.