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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2410

Marie-Madeleine Couteaux; [L'effet de la deforestation sur le peuplement thecamoebien en Guyane francaise: etude preliminaire]. REVUE D'ECOLOGIE ET DE BIOLOGIE DU SOL (Rev.Ecol.Biol.Sol) 16(3):403-413, 1979


In File


A first counting of the populations of Testacea of field plots located in French Guiana and intended for the study of the effect of the deforestation allows to establish that it is fairly rich in species (27 species and varieties), in living individuals (16.16/mm2) and in biomass (1.37 kg/ha). The burnt area don't contain Testacea. The presence of tropical of gondwanian species must be report: Ellipsopyxella regularis, Euglypha castrii, Hyalosphenia undans, Planhoogenraadia acuta are living, Centropyxis capucina, Cyclopyxis dulcis, Cyclopyxis machadoi and Heleopora restangularis in empty tests form.