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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2407

Marie-Madeleine Couteaux; [Ecologie des Thecamoebiens de quelques humus bruts forestiers: l'espece dans la dynamique de l'equilibre]. REVUE D'ECOLOGIE ET DE BIOLOGIE DU SOL (Rev.Ecol.Biol.Sol) 12(2):421-447, 1975


In File


Three forest Mors, rather similar from pedologic point of vue, were sampled every week during one year. The composition of the fauna of the three communities was found rather analogous. The main four species are: Phryganella acropodia, Euglyphidion enigmaticum, Trinema complanatum and Plagiopyxis declivis. Some periodical rhythm were observed: 6 months of 40 weeks for most of the communities. These periodicities are directly linked to the availability of the water. The cycles of communities are due to the influence of the cycles of two species: Phryganella acropodia and Plagiopyxis declivis. Cycles of 9 to 10 weeks or of 3 months are also found; their determinism is still hypothetic. Independently of the cycles, a spring burst is observed in most species. This phenomenon is evident also for the cysts, these latter being possibly reproductive forms.