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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2324

Thomas Peer and Wilhelm Foissner; [Protozoologische Untersuchungen an Almboden im Gasteiner Tal (Zentralalpen, Osterreich) II. Bodenkundliche Analysen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der stark belebten Zone]. (Studies on the protozoa in alpine from the Gastein area (Central Alps, Austria). II. Characterization of the soils with special regard to the highly active layer) Veroff.Osterr.MaB-Programms 9:51-63, 1985


In File


The soils of some sites with different degrees of utilization were investigated in the Stubnerkogel and the Schlossalm area (~1,800-2,000 m above sea-level). Site (A): grazed alpine pasture, site (B): less used alpine pasture, site (C): isolated alder stand, site (D): alder stand mixed with dwarf shrubs and spruces, site (E): heavily eutrophic alpine pasture (Rumicetum alpini), site (F): grazed alpine pasture with many dwarf shrubs, sites (G, H): marginal area and center of disturbance of a ski trail. Besides a description of the soil profile, various chemical, physical and enzymatic investigations were performed. The soils are alpine pseudogleys with a more or less pronounced tendency to shift the sesquioxides. The soil structure is well developed at sites (D) and (F), but slightly compacted at (C), (G) and (H). The compaction increases with soil depth and causes together with the soil frost a temporary damming of the surface water. Humus quantity is highest at the dwarf shrub-rich sites (D) and (F). Highest nutrient level occurs in (E), lowest in (G) and (H). Humus, nutrient level, and enzymatic activity decrease strongly in a soil depth of about 5 cm. The pH is slightly higher in the top soil. CaCO3 is present only at site (H). Enzymatic activity is highest at sites (B) and (F) and lowest in (C) and (H). The top layers generally show a higher activity, but the horizons 0-2 cm and 0-5 cm react often differently. Positive correlations exist between the enzymatic activities and the humus and nutrient level. But the enzymatic activities and the CO2-release are also influenced by the structure and the evolution of the soil, the moisture regime and local factors. Catalase activity and CO2-release show strong fluctuations during the vegetation period. In general they correlate better with each other than with the dehydrogenase activity which shows an inversed trend.