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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2263

Lilian K. Matveeva; Community structure of planktonic rotifers in a mesotrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 104:353-356, 1983


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Seasonal changes of species diversity (Hr) and average spatial overlap (Ojk) of planktonic rotifers in a mesotrophic lake were examined with respect to their dependence on habitat diversity (Hh) and on a predator (Asplanchna herricki). (Hr) was positively correlated with the density of A. herricki and with (Hh). In the absence of A. herricki there was no correlation between (Hr) and (Hh). (Ojk) was negatively correlated with the density of A. herricki and with (Hh); the correlation between (Ojk) and (Hh) was independent of the presence of the predator.