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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2249

James B. Lackey and Elsie W. Lackey; A late summer checklist of the marine microbiota around Logy Bay, Newfoundland. Can.J.Zool. 48(4):789-795, 1970


In File


In late July and early August 1969 intensive study of a variety of habitats around the Marine Sciences Research Laboratory, Memorial University of Newfoundland, yielded a total 202 taxa of sulfer bacteria, microscopic algae, and protozoa. This list is relatively small, as was the number of sampling stations. The numbers per milliliter or per liter were very few, and the area is regarded as one of low productivity. Most of the organism are cosmopolitan, having been found in widely different situations elsewhere. A very few have been found by us only at Logy Bay. The ciliates Parafavella gigantea and Helicostomella sp. occurred in some abundance and may be cold water species. A new ciliate of the genus Myelostoma was quite abundant and will be described elsewhere.