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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2214

Margareta Hendelberg, Greta Morling, and Birger Pejler; The Ultrastructure of the Lorica of the Rotifer Keratella serrulata (Ehrbg). Zoon 7:49-54, 1979


In File


By aid of SEM and TEM technique the lorica of Keratella serrulata was investigated. A foundation pattern was found not only on the dorsal but also on the ventral plate. Pustules occur on both plates. They are volcanoe-shaped and longitudinally striated. Besides the lorica is covered by a dense network of spot-like structures, which in TEM-micrographs appear as protrusions on the surface membrane of the syncytial integument. In section the integument seems to consist almost entirely of the thick skeletal layer which forms an unusually rigid lorica.