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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2211

Juan Cesar Paggi and Susana B. Jose de Paggi; [Primeros Estudios sobre el Zooplancton de las aguas Loticas del Parana Medio-]. PHYSIS Secc.B.Buenos Aires 33(86):91-114, 1974


In File


The information obtained in a first stage of an investigation series about the ecology of zooplankton in the Middle Parana River is analized. The objectives of this preliminary and rather descriptive paper is to obtain an approach to the knowledge of the communitary structure and evolution of zooplankton along 17 months and to estimate the relative importance of some environmental parameters in this process. Three places were sampled monthly between the cities of Parana and Santa Fe: the central area of the main course of the Parana River, of Colastine River and of Santa Fe Stream, filtering 200-300 l of superficial water. Total salinity, pH, temperature, turbidity and hydrological regime are studied. The community is integrated by 90 species involving Rotatoria, Copepoda and Cladocera, being almost all true planktonic species while littoral and benthic ones are scarce. The communitary structure is very similar to that of the regional lenitic bodies of water, although the diversity of Copepoda is somewhat lesser. Some species not recorded in regional lenitic waters are found in these rivers but it would be rather adventurous to speak of "potamoplanktonic" species considering that the knowledge about the zooplankton of these ponds is not very wide. The environmental parameters showing most correlativity to the quantitative fluctuations of zooplankton are turbidity and hydrological regime, principally the former.