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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2191

Roger Pourriot, J. Garnier, and C. Rougier; [Relations Entre les Tintinnides et Quelques Variables Biotiques et Abiotiques d'un Lac de Graviere]. Arch.Protistenk 140:335-344, 1991


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Seasonal fluctuations of Tintinnopsis lacustris have been studied throughout 8 consecutive years. Their depth distribution has also been investigated during one of these years. Simultaneous collected data on temperature, concentration of dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a, phytoplankton abundance, and, also during one year, bacterial biomass allowed to examine relationships between the abundance of tintinnids and these variables. Although tintinnids avoid anoxic water at bottom, temperature and dissolved oxygen did not influence their distribution within the water column. In winter, the scarcity of predators and competitors, more than the abiotic factors, often permitted the development of a large population of Tintinnopsis lacustris. The doubling time of the population decreased indeed when the temperature increased. The abundance of T. lacustris in relation to algal and bacterial biomass tends to show that the tintinnids would only consume a part of nanophytoplankton (Cryptophyceae species in particular).