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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2182

Wilfried Schonborn; [Ermittlung der Jahresproduktion von Boden-Protozoen I. Euglyphidae (Rhizopoda, Testacea)]. Pedobiologia 15:415-424, 1975


In File


(a) In two forest soils near Jena in 1973/74 the annual production of Euglyphidae was investigated. (b) The production was estimated in special "production-chambers"; the time of exposure being 14 days. (c) Investigations applied to annual production of individuals, the ratio of annual production/standing crop (P/B), numbers of generations per year and mortality were investigated. (d) These characteristics of production are dependent on the kind of soil. In the argillaceous soil of moder (coniferous forest), there is a lower production than in beechwood of calcareous soil. (e) The values for production are: Beechwood ~39 g/m2/a, P/B 110, numbers of generations/year 43, mortality 6.0 %/day. Coniferous forest ~6 g/m2/a, P/B 102, numbers of generations/year 18, mortality 6.6 %/day.