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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2137

Charles E. King and Terry W. Snell; Genetic basis of amphoteric reproduction in rotifers. Heredity 39(3):361-364, 1977


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In the class Monogononta, female rotifers are identified by the type of egg they produce. Amictic females produce diploid eggs by mitosis. Mictic females meiotically produce haploid eggs which if unfertilised develop into haploid males, and if fertilised develop into diploid resting eggs. The present paper describes the occurrence and genetic basis of another type, the amphoteric female, in Asplanchna girodi. It is shown that amphoteric females produce both male and female offspring. Electrophoretic markers are used to demonstrate that female progeny of amphoterics have both maternal chromosomes. Thus simultaneous oogenesis by both meiosis and mitosis occurs in this type of rotifer.