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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2086

P. de Puytorac, P. Didier, R. Detcheva, and C. Groliere; [Sur la Morphogenese de Bipartition et L'ultrastructure du Cilie Cinetochilum margaritaceum Perty]. Protistologica X(2):223-238, 1974


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Observations demonstrate that buccal area and cortex ultrastructures of Cinetochilum are more similar to Tetrahymenina ones that to Peniculina ones. Some heterogeneity is pointed out in buccal organelles ultrastructure of Scuticocilia. The morphogenesis bipartition processes are very different from those of Tetrahymenina and can be included into the Scuticociliatida pattern. Two facts are remarkable: 1) similar morphogenetical processes may bring about different final features and inversely, 2) the Scuticociliatida first characteristic is an original in morphogenesis bipartition process (with its variations). The distinction between Scuticociliatida (Philasterina and Pleuronematina) and Hymenostomatida (Tetrahymena, Peniculina and Ophryoglenina).