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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2077

Wilfried Schonborn; [Palaolimnologische Studien an Testaceen aus Bohrkernen des Latnjajaure (Abisko-Gebiet; Schwedisch-Lappland)]. Hydrobiologia 42(1):63-75, 1973


In File


a. Rhizopod tests from 16 cores of sediments from lake Latnjajaure, in swedish Lapland, were studied and found to show the development of the lake since its formation. Latnajajaure is an oligotrophic mountain lake. b. All cores contained many remains of rhizopods, most of them intact. Most broken test could be reconstructed. Postglacial development of a lake could thus be elucidated for the first time. c. The sediment cores contained 24 species of Testacea, 41.6% of the recent fauna. The rank order of species forming 1% or more of the total number in the cores is nearly identical with the rank order of recent species. d. The history of lake Latnjajaure is characterized by Centropyxis aerophila, an oligotrophic species. Periods of beginning eutrophication are indicated by a decrease of Centropyxis aerophila and an increase of Difflugia species, but typical eutrophic species were absent. A dystrophic phase in the development could not be ascertained by means of rhizopods.