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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2075

R. Chengalath, W.J. Bruce, and D.A. Scruton; Rotifer and crustacean plankton communities of lakes in insular Newfoundland. 22:419-430, 1984


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The main purpose of this study was to determine the composition of the rotifer and crustacean plankton communities of lakes of insular Newfoundland. This will form a source of baseline information with which comparisons can be made and future changes measured. Newfoundland is a geologically diverse region of Canada (Douglas 1970) for which no such data exist. There are large gaps in our knowledge of the geographic distribution, environmental tolerance and basic ecology of planktonic organisms in Canadian lakes. There have been some studies of crustacean plankton communities in other regions of Canada (Anderson 1971, 1974; Brandlova et al. 1972; Carter et al. 1980; Moore 1978; Patalas 1971, 1975; Patalas & Salki 1973; Pinel-Alloul et al. 1979; Rawson 1960; Reed 1963). Information about the Rotifera is scarce from Canada except for a few sporadic studies (Anderson 1977; Chengalath & Fernando 1973; Nauwerck 1978; Nogrady 1976; Pinel-Alloul et al. 1979). Only a few limited, localized studies of zooplankton communities have been carried out in the region covered by this study (Bateman & Davis 1980; Chengalath & Koste 1983; Cushman 1908; Daggett & Davis 1974, 1975; Davis 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976; Megyeri 1969; Ryan 1982), and they are inadequate to characterize the zooplankton fauna for the various types of lakes found in Newfoundland.