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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2072

Wilfried Schonborn; [Die Produktion an Gehause-Protozoen in der Ilm]. Limnologica 14(2):347-352, 1982


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In the river Ilm (GDR, Thuringia), in 1976/1979, the production of shell bearing Protozoa (Testacea, loricate Ciliate) was investigated. The values for production are (in the upper course) 96.25 mg/m-2/a = 4.81 mgC/m-2/a and (in the centre course) 208.86 mg/m-2/a = 10.40 mgC/m-2/a = 0.46 kJ. The annual production values varied more than 1300-fold. The annual curve of production is very discontinuous. The cause of them are the change in drain (among other unknown factors). In the upper course the production of Testacea was higher than loricate Ciliate-production. In the centre course it was opposed.